Coffee shop in a whole latte bother over sweary note

Barista makes a mocha-ry of customer service with insulting message

Coffee shop staff letting off steam at a busy period managed to land themselves in hot water over a receipt found on a table, containing the phrase “fuckers all come at once”.

The receipt was presented to the staff of the Grind Coffee Bar in Westfield Stratford by UCL student Naomi Bloomer.

Bloomer found it on a table in the middle of the bar whilst waiting for her drink and promptly complained.

When she confronted staff, she received no apology at all. Instead the cashier explained, “Yeah, we’ve been rammed”.

Unsatisfied by this excuse, she took her complaint higher, emailing customer services at Westfield later that day. She claims that she received no “simple acknowledgement that this was wrong”.

Instead she has been “fobbed off at every turn”. “The part that really gets to me is that they clearly don’t care about customer service at all.”

In contrast, the owner of the bar, Dave Dickinson, today offered a sincere apology to Ms Bloomer for the hurt she suffered upon noticing the receipt, and the contempt with which she was later treated.

“We strive for super-friendly antipodean customer service. So we apologise to the one person that didn’t experience this.”

It is unclear as yet whether Ms Bloomer or any of the unnamed ‘fuckers’ have accepted this apology.


Pun-acceptable: The headlines that never made it

Student Whinges In Coffee Shop After A Little Fucking Name-calling


Staff mocha’d on receipt found by customer 

See you latte

Student “ventis” her frustration

America-no apology for angered student

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