What your exercise regimen says about you

Every workout counts

Whether you prefer to hit the track, the punching bag, or hold the downward dog–  read more to find what your routine says about you.

Weight training

It could be free weights, machine weights, or even the new and improved body weight workouts. You are a confident individual who likes the challenge of fighting one more rep. Soreness following a tough circuit or intense leg day gives you confidence and a sense of accomplishment while you strive to see results. You are a person that sets goals and works diligently toward exceeding them. Commitment in your routine transpires out of the weight room into a well rounded lifestyle. You believe in the mantra “strong is the new skinny” and work hard to take yourself to the next level.


“Namaste fit until I’m a hot yoga MILF.” You are a calm individual who centers yourself by being one with your breath and one with your soul. In with the good vibes and out with the bad, you see balance as the key to life. Following your shower after 7 AM power flow– you start your day with positivity and the glass half full. You reflect on your experiences as part of a whole. Parallel to your transition from one vinyasa flow to the next, you take on one day at a time.


The runner’s high is a drug you cannot resist. From the retired high school cross country runner to the half marathon competitor– running is customizable. You run for you and you compete for you. Putting one foot in front of the other gets you from point A to point B. The endorphins following your workout, get you from one day to the next. Running trains the mind. You alter your system to accommodate unique situations. You love being able to toss on your shoes whenever or wherever you are when you need to escape.

A track, a treadmill, or a beautiful landscape makes for a great running scene.


Spinning is the new black. From SoulCycle to Cyc, it’s a place where sweat meets the seat and you can feel the burn in yours for days. An energetic, interactive, party time atmosphere gets you going. You like to be efficient– get in, work hard, walk out and have your schedule known in advance. A community environment makes you feel comfortable while being able to push yourself to a level ideal for you. You like having daily motivation, and a have an energetic and positive mindset.


You thrive where upbeat music drives the motion of your feet. Encouragement from a spunky instructor has you inspired as your heart rate carries you from track to track. You’re extroverted and comfortable in jumping into new experiences and are able to focus on the task in front of you despite the craziness that surrounds and overcomes you. If you jive with “Follow the Leader” featuring Jennifer Lopez or prefer to shake your hips with Shakira– this high level aerobic exercise gives you the feels you need.

Bike, mat, or jazzed up studio, tighten your pony and get out there. Every workout counts.

University of Wisconsin