UW Madison students explain what makes Madison feel like home

‘I’ve come to realize that a home can not only be a physical space, but also a person or persons’

A new school year is an intimidating time for many, especially in the brand new environment many freshmen face. To power through the first semester it is important to see the endless opportunities that are to come. It may not feel like it yet, but freshmen, I promise this strange, crazy, vibrant place surrounding you will soon feel like home. If you don’t believe me, I asked some upperclassmen what made Madison feel like home for them. So, here is some reassurance from some students who have been in your shoes.   img_8938

“Well, I took a class on politics in multicultural society freshmen year which focused a lot on poverty and mechanisms of power that advantaged some and disadvantaged others. It was the first class here that really made me feel like I had found the right place to learn and live. It put words to what I had been thinking for a while, but it really made me feel like a part of the academic community which felt cool.” – Anne, Senior

“It wasn’t until I started getting involved with organizations, such as AAIV (Asian American InterVarsity) & HASA (Hmong American Student Association), on campus that Madison could be a place where my heart can call home. For me, in order to have found my place, I had to have had a sense of who I am, and who I wanted to become. With that in mind, I surrounded myself with people who would support and help me strive towards that. It’s cliché, but home is where the heart is. When I act with my heart’s truest intentions, those who are drawn in and share appreciation are the ones who make a place a home. It is because of that I’ve come to realize that a home can not only be a physical space, but also a person or persons.” – Theresa, Sophomore 

“Finding a supportive group of friends, its not something that comes right away, it takes time to build up these relationships, but ultimately it’s making a family away from home. I found I felt best about being in Madison when I had people to share my experiences with!” – Kim, Sophomore

“For me, I really started to feel at home because of game days. The way the entire campus and community comes together every Saturday is an experience unlike any other. You really feel like you are a part of something bigger. You feel like you’re part of a family. Plus, the games are dope to watch too.” – Dakota, Sophomore

“I walked into my very first english class with the same hesitations that most freshman had – I was worried that I would feel negligible in a lecture of 150+ students. People shuffled in, the professor set up her slideshow, began telling us little tidbits about herself, and to my disbelief, not only did my professor come from my hometown, but she graduated from the very same high school I did. I was astonished and uplifted because hearing this made this wild new campus of 45,000 seem a little bit smaller … and reassured me I could indeed find a job as an English major.” – Caroline, Sophomore 

“For me it was when I was touring Madison the summer before I came here and I smelled the lake. It made me think of being at my cottage with my family, and I love that smell, so that made me know  Madison was the school for me.” – Olivia, Junior

“I’d say being in a comfortable living situation (my bed was hella comfy). Also the fact that I had a lot of friends from my home also go here, having those friends that I knew I could be myself around.” – Emma, Senior

“I think what made Madison feel like home for me was when I realized I had a place here, whether it was in the dorms with friends or while playing frisbee on an inclusive team or working in a study group with my FIG.” – Maddie, Sophomore

“During the spring semester of my freshman year I branched out and became super close with a bunch of people on my floor. Because of that, I was bummed I wouldn’t see most of my new friends for an entire summer once classes ended. I realized besides my actual family, everything I needed or wanted was in Madison. So, I guess the first time I left Madison for an extended period of time is when the city really felt like my new home.” – Jake, Junior

Whether it is an inspiring class, the atmosphere of the infamous game days, a close knit group of friends, or even just a familiar smell – Madison is home to many. Be excited freshmen for Madison to become your second home, it is a pretty special place.



University of Wisconsin