Stop calling your significant other your ‘other half’

When you find love, do not let it be all you are

There are few things as extraordinary as falling in love with the right person. It takes a lot to let someone into your life romantically, and the time commitment and dedication is undeniable.

To hold someone’s hand and feel genuinely connected with them on a deeper level and to talk and hold one another late into the night is one of the most fulfilling, powerful experiences a human being can go through, especially in the era of modern day dating culture.

In modern day dating culture, 1AM “U up?” texts and buying a girl McDonalds is considered a romantic gesture. Falling in love, especially in this day and age, is rare. Nonetheless, when you do find love, do not let it be all you are.


I don’t believe in the term “other half”, because it implies without your significant other, you are not whole. It implies a lack of individuality and deprives you of confidence in the long run. You are not an other half, you are an individual, and you do not need another individual to make you whole.

You are a human being with your own unique personality, opinions, goals, and attributes. To say “he is my other half” implies, if he were not around, you would be broken. That is a toxic mindset. That is in no way a healthy way to think about life or love, and to think in those parameters will lead to low self esteem and dependence.

I am not saying to stray from terms of endearment or proclaiming your overall love and dedication to your significant other, but do not do so in a way that suggests brokenness without their presence or compromised individuality.

By all means say you love your partner, show your partner they are cherished, ensure they know how much they mean to you, and how much their presence positively (I hope!) influences your life, but stop with the other half mentality of half hearts and the whole “I can’t live without you” mentality.

Cut that attitude cold turkey, because I can assure you, you are a powerful woman or man with a plethora of attributes to bring to the table, and I can also assure you your partner knows and appreciates this independence and individuality. If they do not, it is a different story entirely, in which case I would highly recommend dropping them like a hot potato.

Go best friend, that’s my best friend

Frankly, I do not have a single shard of respect for people who allow themselves to be swept away in the other half mentality and who need to be dating someone at all times to be happy and to up their self worth.

Not only is this thought process internally detrimental, but externally as well. Call me coldhearted all you want, but I have no desire to associate myself with girls who incessantly place their significant other over their friends and allow the other half mentality and dependence on their significant other to go so far as to isolate their closest friends.

A balance needs to be met and, unfortunately, the other half mentality does not permit balance.

My favorite couple let me third wheel as a single lady back in the day 🙂

My suggestion is to be bold, embrace your feelings, and fall in love, but with that being said, fall in love with the right person. Fall in love with someone who encourages you to be yourself and who will not be offended by your individuality.

Choose not to live as vicarious representations of one another. Encourage and support one another, but recognize the difference between a healthy love and a smothering love. Be free together only to be bound by a love that is passionate, fulfilling, and strong enough to last.

University of Wisconsin