What your favorite UNC sorority says about you

Someone always has a crush on an ADPi

Okay Carolina guys, by now you’ve been to a Thursday night cocktail or two – or at least sat beside a sorority woman in class and shared notes. Everyone knows being in a sorority doesn’t make someone an alien or totally different than anyone else at Carolina – but each sorority has its own vibe.

After all, they are sisterhoods of women coming together for a common cause. So, you probably have your own favorite vibe and it definitely says something about you. Here’s every Panhel sorority on campus and what kind of guy you are if they’re your pick:


If your favorite sorority is AXO, you’re probably the smartest guy most of your friends have ever met. You’re probably on your way to a Nobel prize. Don’t forget the little people. You love AXO because they are all just as smart as you are, but they know how to have fun when they want to.


If you love ADPi, you’re probably “that guy” in all of your classes. That guy that all the girls secretly hope ask them for the homework or you know, to be their date to formal. Your hometown neighbor has probably been in love with you since middle school, so you should check on that. ADPis are just like you– someone always has a crush on them.

Alpha Phi

If your favorite sorority is Alpha Phi, you’re probably the life of the party. All your friends make sure that you’re going out with them because you always make sure everyone has fun. You probably have a killer Spotify party playlist but what really makes people love you is your charm – just like APhis.


If your favorite sorority is XO, you probably love sports. You never miss a game because your fantasy team basically measures your worth. You like people who will watch all of the UNC games with you and you love a girl who can rock a jersey just like any XO can.


If you love Tri-Delta, you’re always up for an adventure. You probably have an impressive passport and you’ll do anything for an adrenaline rush like skydiving. Whether you’re tan and gorgeous from your beach trips or rocking a dad bod from your trips to foreign restaurants and wine tastings, you’re interesting and that really catches the ladies’ eyes. You love Tri-Delts because they are as adventurous and fun as you.


If your favorite sorority is KD, you’re probably the type of guy that everyone wants to bring home to Mom and Dad. Your grades are great, you’re the president of at least one club, and you know how to rock a tasteful vest. You can probably also golf. You love KDs because they are all just as multi-dimensional and talented as you are!


If KKG is your favorite, you are probably the jokester of your friend group. You have a great sense of humor and absolutely kill the group chat. Your sarcasm is impeccable and everyone who knows you thinks you should star in your own Comedy Central primetime special or at least write a killer blog about your shenanigans. You love Kappas because they know how to keep up with your humor and crack some jokes of their own.

Phi Beta Chi

If Phi Beta Chi is your favorite, you’re probably “the good guy.” You might be a serial dater– who’s always going to Phi Beta Chi cocktails – and when you find a good girl, you like to stick with her. Its not because you hate your social life, its because you know how much better everything is with a bae. And you know Phi Beta Chi girls are the best girlfriends there are.

Pi Phi

If your favorite sorority is Pi Phi, you’re probably chill as fuck. You would much rather stay in and listen to music with friends than go out and party, and you like other people with that vibe. You probably own a record player and listen to John Lennon to go to sleep. You love Pi Phi because they are all just as chill as you are.

Phi Mu

If you love Phi Mu, you’re probably the best friend ever. You are loyal and super dependable. Whether your boys need someone to take shots after a bad breakup or class advice, you always have their back. You love Phi Mu because they have become some of your best friends and they treat you how you try to treat others.


If you love Tri-Sig, you are super proud of UNC and everything you do there. You are probably involved in a million clubs, raising money for Dance Marathon or another charity 24/7 and still have a killer amount of Carolina Fever points. You love Tri-Sigs because they are just as involved as you are and just as passionate about everything they do.


If you love Zeta, you probably have a great sense of style. You look fly everywhere you go and you know how to match pants to shoes – a skill most men don’t have. You have a strong social media presence– but in like a cool and manly way. You know the only thing that could make your Instagram game stronger is a Zeta girlfriend because she is bound to be gorgeous.

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No matter what your favorite sorority is, we all know its true– Carolina girls are the best in the world.
