What your favorite UNC fraternity says about you

You have a crush on at least three guys in Chi Psi, and one of them is a hot Morehead

OK, ladies – by now everyone has their favorite fraternity at UNC. Maybe you love it because all the guys were in your ECON 101 class freshman year. Maybe you love it because you’ve spent one (or two, or three) nights there.

No matter how you found your house crush, your favorite frat says something about you.

Chi Psi

You probably study way more than you party, but when you want to go out, you are down to have a really good time. You probably have crushes on at least three of the guys in Chi Psi. At least one of them is a hot Morehead.


Girls who like DKE are trendy. They wear great clothes every weekend but only post on Instagram once in a blue moon. They don’t need likes to know how gorgeous they are. They almost always date athletes.

Chi Phi

You are the type of person who loves to dance. Definitely the kind of girl who practices her moves in front of the mirror while she does her makeup. You also love to wear heels and your makeup game is always on point.

Phi Delt

If Phi Delt is your favorite house, you are a fun time. You are super adventurous and always down to have a crazy girls’ night out – complete with dance floor makeouts. All of your friends come to you after their breakups to have a good time. You are a true gift to society.

Sig Chi

Since high school, you’ve always been “the girl next door.” You like to wear oversized jerseys and baseball hats just about everywhere. You probably have gorgeous hair, love dogs and somehow understand football. Every guy wants to date you.


You are the kind of girl who is down to party any day, any time. This is proven by your religious attendance of Beta’s darties. You and your friends are really close, so everyone always wonders where you are when you aren’t at the Beta party with them.


You have great taste in music and you listen to everything, old and new. You capture the guys’ hearts by reciting rap lyrics and you’re always the funniest girl in the room. You’re also the type of girl who drunkenly orders Cosmic Cantina at least once a week. Think Kylie Jenner meets Amy Schumer.


You are a little shy until you get a few shots, but then you are the life of the party. Your friends never imagined you as a frat rat, but you’ve come to realize fraternity parties are your college calling. You’re really giggly and flirty, but in a cute, girly way.


One of the main reasons you like ATO is because the house is shaped like a castle and you somehow know all the guys. You’re the queen bitch of your friend group, so you all end up here every time they have a party.


Everyone on campus knows who you are because you are always drunkenly introducing yourself in the bathroom. You’re really bubbly and outgoing. Everyone secretly thinks you are total wife material.

Anywhere in Little Frat Court

You are a down-to-earth girl. You’re a loyal friend – the kind of friend who is so loyal that you stay with your friend who is throwing up in the bathroom after a long night. You have so many guy friends, and you’re always giving them relationship advice.


You’re the kind of lady who will take a nice glass of wine or champagne over PJ any day. You’re probably at least a little preppy – maybe you have Lilly Pulitzer koozies or a striped dress that you love to wear – and you obsess over your hair and makeup. But hey, you always look good.

Off-campus frats

You are so chill. You have a million friends because you dress so hip and always have some interesting story to tell. You probably listen to music that is only popular in Europe and you’ll end up dating someone with a sexy accent.

Phi Gam

You’re blonde.
