I went undercover (again) to see what Duke really thinks about UNC

‘UNC definitely goes harder’

Most of us grew up knowing that “Duke is puke” – or should I say “dook is puke” – but is the rivalry really as intense as we have come to believe?

I traveled to uncharted territory, also known as “the place the light doesn’t touch” in our metaphorical kingdom, to get the real scoop on how Duke students think about UNC students, and their answers might surprise you. It turns out most dookies think we’re awesome.

Simon, junior, Economics

First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “Shit or trash.”

Typical UNC student: “Unintelligent.”

Typical Duke student: “Productive.”

Better parties: UNC.

What would you say to a UNC student right now?: “Get a broom because it’s going to be another sweep this season.”

Teddy, freshman, Economics

First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “I’m not sure. I guess I’m not too anti-UNC yet, but I would say inferior.”

Typical UNC student: “Lesser than a Duke student.”

Typical Duke student: “Pretentious.”

Better parties: UNC.

What would you say to a UNC student right now?: “Go to hell.”

Andrew, freshman, English

First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “Carolina blue.”

Typical UNC student: “I don’t really know, I don’t know anyone that goes there.”

Typical Duke student: “Very academic, but at the same time very passionate and involved.”

Better parties: UNC.

What would you say to a UNC student right now?: “Hey, how do you like UNC?”

Ali, sophomore, Environmental Science and Policy

First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “I’m from North Carolina so I always think of my friends first, but hate also always comes to mind.”

Typical UNC student: “Artsy, yet preppy at the same time.”

Typical Duke student: “More educationally motivated.”

Better parties: Duke.

What would you say to a UNC student right now?: “How are you? Because I probably know them.”

Chris, sophomore, Mechanical Engineering

First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “Robertson, like the family.”

Typical UNC student: “Southern hospitality and preppy.”

Typical Duke student: “Very motivated and over involved.”

Better parties: “UNC definitely goes harder, but they are both so different.”

What would you say to a UNC student right now?: “Let’s be friends.”

Jack, freshman, Undecided

First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “Bad basketball.”

Typical UNC student: “Intelligent, but still inferior.”

Typical Duke student: “Intelligent.”

Better parties: UNC.

What would you say to a UNC student right now?: “Go to class.”

Nikita, sophomore, Economics and Public Policy

First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “Basketball.”

Typical UNC student: “Probably just like any other student because we’re not that different. We just like to talk down to them. But they probably have more capacity to do more things.”

Typical Duke student: “They have a lot of work, are very involved and very busy, but also take time to have fun.”

Better parties: UNC.

What would you say to a UNC student right now?: “Go to class, Carolina.”

Alina, sophomore, International Comparative Studies

First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “Rivalry.”

Typical UNC student: “Outgoing, more party-loving and fun.”

Typical Duke student: “Type A workaholic.”

Better parties: “UNC by far.”

What would you say to a UNC student right now?: “Go to hell and go to class.”

Shom, freshman, Public Policy

First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “Rival.”

Typical UNC student: “Conceited.”

Typical Duke student: “Well-rounded.”

Better parties: “Duke for sure.”

What would you say to a UNC student right now?: “You should transfer.”

Charlie, senior, English

First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “(cringe) Roy Williams.”

Typical UNC student: “Smart.”

Typical Duke student: “Dedicated.”

Better parties: UNC.

What would you say to a UNC student right now?: “Let’s end the rivalry. I think it’s just a private school hating on a public school and it’s taken to extremes and actually kind of hateful.”

Samantha, sophomore, Undecided

First word you think of when I say ‘UNC’: “Rival.”

Typical UNC student: “Really not that different from us.”

Typical Duke student: “Studious, work hard, play hard.”

Better parties: UNC.

What would you say to a UNC student right now?: “Can I have a wristband for Halloween?”

There are two things we know for sure: the basketball rivalry is alive and well and UNC students throw way better parties. But we already knew that.

“Ra ra Carolina and GO TO HELL DUKE.”
