Extravaganja organizers did not receive Amherst permit this year

CRC will have to find another location for the 25th annual Extravaganja

The Amherst Select Board denied Extravaganja organizers the permits needed to use the Town Common in downtown Amherst for Spring 2016.

Extravaganja 2015 @tothejew

Extravaganja began in 1992 as a daylong event held around April 20th with local musicians, artists and advocates promoting marijuana legalization.

Various vendors selling clothing, food and other memorabilia would join along the Amherst Common and draw a crowd from 6,000 to 8,000 visitors.

Extravaganja 2015 @freesoulphotos

According to the Daily Hampshire Gazette, Amherst Town Manager David Ziomek claims that the event has gotten to be “too large for us to handle,” while Amherst Chief of Police Scott Livingstone says that the rally has been miserable for people who happen to be in town at the same time.

Extravaganja 2015 @drewski1220

When asking the UMass Cannabis Reform Coalition (CRC) for comment, they claimed that the search for every weed lover’s haven will still go on:

“While the Town of Amherst as denied our request to use the Amherst Commons this spring, we have been actively searching for a new home.

“At this time we are not prepared to make a statement about where Extravaganja will be held this year, but once we sign a contract we will let you know.”

There are thoughts for CRC to move to a more open space such as the Three Country Fairgrounds in Northampton, but nothing has been set in stone.

UMass Amherst amherst crc extravaganja umas umass umass amherst weed