The best places to nap on UC Berkeley campus

For when it all gets a bit much

Whether it’s an espresso shot at Café Strada, the presidential live show, or the elusive female orgasm, nothing beats a well-executed nap during the day.

Word has it that our school has granted an exorbitant $92,000 to developing napping places on campus, which can at best hold 50 people at a time. Before we jump into judging whether this investment is a sound financial decision by our tight-budgeted school, let’s check out first handedly these advertised goodies.

Wurster Library


At the second floor of College of Environmental Design, you could see three cute eggshell-shapped napping chairs right next to our beautiful goddess that oversees all our diligent Berkeley students in the room. However, be careful when you try these chairs for the first time because they actually wobble. When the chair gets excited (as you probably will be when you see these “napping eggs”) it could throw you out straight onto the wall and windows the minute you throw yourself into its deceivingly harmless embrace.

But, if you go gentle into the chair, you will feel like a baby lying in a cradle and fall asleep soon under the gaze of our angel.

Eshleman Basement

Do you know there is actually a meditation room at the basement of Eshleman Hall? Take the elevator and check it out! The room is equipped with dimmable lights, comfy rugs and two big lounge chairs that you need to reserve to use. Most people simply lie and sleep on the carpeted floor.

One thing to keep in mind is there are people actually praying and doing meditation in the room so be careful not to disturb them.

Tang Center massage chairs

After a simple sign-in on the paper next to the chairs, you could enjoy the massage with a good view through the window of Tang Center’s second floor. It was a Friday when we visited and we didn’t have to wait.

Everyone is limited to fifteen minutes’ use of the chairs, so even though at very stressful days there may form a line, the waiting time is expected to be short.

You could custom your preferred way of message and then in gentle vibrations let all the tensions in your body go away.

Tolman tech lounge

The lounge is located at1535 Tolman. It was initially designed to be a study space for students, but actually few people could be seen studying there during weekday hours. The sofa chairs are a bit narrow but hella comfortable to lie in.

If there is no class being held at the lab next to this lounge, the place is so peaceful that you could fall asleep in seconds and restore your strength.

Bechtel Engineering Library

This rest zone is hidden deep in the library and occupied by four resting chairs heading four different directions. The room is always warm and ideal for chilly winter times. Because of the popularity of engineering library the there could be certain competition over these soft chairs.

After introducing the above official napping places that Berkeley specially designed for its students, let’s take a look at some hot nominators among the many other napping places Cal students have favored.

Music Library   

If you are a light sleeper and a more private person like me, you would love the music library across from the Morrison Hall as your top napping choice. The view of you is well blocked from all direction (except your back), and the place is always peaceful and calming.

The only downside might be the ventilation – during peak time the room might feel a bit stuffy.

The Glade

No more artificial chairs and embrace the green grass that comes with a pleasant smell! Here you could get a good rest in the embrace of nature, and at the same time get tanned if you’d like to.

Your friend’s lap or your boy/girlfriend’s shoulder

Soft and warm, what else makes you more secure and happy than your friend or significant other that could also offer a “spot” for you to rest on?

Home sweet home

If you are lucky and live close to campus, why not simply head back home and have a short nap suring the day? Nothing beats your own bed, or the peaceful garden/balcony at your residence.

When you’re really tired, anywhere you can lie down will do

I mean, the stress level of Berkeley students says it all.


UC Berkeley