Temple provost Hai-Lung Dai removed on Tuesday

Temple also announced they have exceeded their financial aid budget by $22 million


Yesterday Temple University announced that provostĀ Hai-Lung DaiĀ “has been relieved of his administrative responsibilities effective immediately.”

Hai-Lung Dai has been provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, Laura H. Carnell Professor of Chemistry, and senior vice provost for international affairs at Temple since 2007.

Also announced on Tuesday was Temple’s acknowledgement for exceeding its financial aid budget by $22 million. The budget was being used for the merit scholarship program for the 2016-17 year. The university said they have already taken steps to balance it.

Following the announcement Temple released a statement promising students that the aid will be covered for the upcoming year.

It it still unknown if exceeding the budget is related to Dai’s removal.

Temple University