The Honors College is hosting a Meme Art Show

Finally, millennials get recognized for their artistic abilities

The Rutgers University Honors College is about to give every meme-obsessed student a larger platform to share their memes than just Facebook; they are hosting their very own Meme Art Show. You read that right.

The Art Show is set to take place November 28th at 8 p.m. at the Druskin Lounge in the Honors College on College Ave. According to the official event page, “multiple submissions are encouraged for display, however only one will be entered to win one of three Visa gift cards of values $20, $15, and $10.”

For those interested, email [email protected] with your memes, name, graduating class, and “if applicable, a title and brief description of your memes.” There is no information as to whether the memes have to be Rutgers-related or not.

So if you’ve just been dying to show off your own Pepes, inner Kermits, or Arthur memes to the world, now is your chance to prove to everyone who ever doubted the value of memes in society wrong – and maybe you’ll even get $20 out of it.

Rutgers University