Rutgers is the best school in America and probably the world

You know it’s true

Ah, Rutgers. Everyone’s favourite home away from home. With diversity around every corner, from the various campuses to the student population, you will never find yourself in search of more. Throwing yourself into such a large and untouched world may seem scary at first, (I for one was terrified), but over time the love and comfort you find at RU only finds ways to expand. Here’s why we’re the best in every single way.

Rutger’s 250th birthday gift

The people

From the student body, to the bus drivers, the dining hall staff, and of course the professors, you will always find someone with a smile. Everyone you come across just seems to have a positive aura about them. If you’re feeling extra friendly one day, just turn to someone near you on the bus and pick up a conversation. It is actually pretty simple and a great way to make new friends.

The feeling of a small campus

Even with a student population of over 40,000 you will always see a familiar face. Whether it is in a dining hall, walking to class, or on an infamous Rutgers bus, you will recognize someone from your dorm, one of your classes, or even from your high school.

You will never get tired of looking at the same scenery

With that being said, there are no less than five different campuses to explore. What’s so special about that you might ask? Each campus brings something different to the table. Walk along College Avenue for an urban setting, with a place to eat or shop around for Rutgers gear on almost every block. Don’t like the city? Just hop on a bus over to Cook and wander amongst the wide open green, and try to spot a cow or two.

The ‘Kissing Bridge’ on Douglass

Location, location, location

For us in-state students, Rutgers seems to be the perfect distance from home. It’s far enough to feel like you’re away from home, yet still close enough to go home whenever you want. For those who live out of state, it’s even better. Rutgers is in the perfect location for day trips with friends. If you want to take a trip to the infamous Jersey Shore, or even adventure into the concrete jungle of New York City, we have an NJ Transit train station right on campus. Access to the train makes it that much easier to go on exciting adventures with friends.

The food

From the choice between five dining halls and student center cafes, you are set for meals. If you feel like switching it up, head over to the legendary grease truck, RU Hungry on College Ave and enjoy yourself a fat sandwich.

There is always something to do

Most college students find themselves looking for things to fill up their free time. At Rutgers, you look for ways to make free time. From attending football games, to hundreds of clubs to choose from, and volunteer opportunities around every corner, you will never be bored.

Academic variety

Just as you will never be bored outside of the classroom, Rutgers’ world famous academics will not serve you wrong. Aside from taking classes that correspond with your major, you can fill up your schedule with fun and interesting classes that still fulfill requirements. Interested in an extra science class? Take Dinosaurs. Not really a science person? Go ahead and take Dance Appreciation. It’s not hard to find classes that you truly enjoy.


Another one of Rutgers’ great attributes is that people come from all over the world. People travel across the country, and even continents, to get a taste of what the pride of New Jersey has to offer. With people from all over the world, new perspectives are constantly floating around and it helps you maintain an open mindset.

Notable alumni

After four years of hard work at Rutgers, it all pays off. Our list of notable alumni expands from soccer players like Carli Lloyd, to James Gandolfini of the Sopranos, all the way to Carla Marie of Z100.

My friends and I at a football game at High Point Solutions Stadium last fall

So what are you waiting for? Take every chance that you can and experience what it’s like to be a student at the best school in the world. I promise that you won’t regret it.

Rutgers University