The THON 2016 theme is ‘Believe Beyond Boundaries’

Whatever that means

Prior to the start of the annual Homecoming Parade, THON’s Executive Committee announced the theme for THON 2016: “Believe Beyond Boundaries.”

“The THON community is not defined or limited by any one set of circumstances,” said Lily Beatty, who serves as THON 2016’s Public Relations Director.

“The THON community is capable of pushing past the challenges and circumstances we encounter even when they feel impossible to surpass.

“We believe that together, we can look beyond the boundaries before us and overcome them as a community.”

The theme marks us one step closer to February’s THON Weekend. Notable upcoming THON-related activities and events include the THON 5k on November 7th and the Family Carnival on December 6th.

Only one more canning weekend remains following the suspension of October’s second canning weekend due to safety concerns.

Penn State