UI are set to install breathalyzers in all on-campus dorms

You can’t enter between 12am and 5am unless you’re below the driving limit

Starting next year, the dorms will be installing breathalyzers where students already have to scan their IDs to get in to the building, and between 12 and 5 am the doors will not open for anyone above a .15 BAC (Blood Alcohol Content).

It seems that the University has finally had it with the consequences of drunk students stumbling their way home between the hours of 12-5 am. On Friday through Sunday every dorm bears the signs of a weekend in Iowa City. From knocked down exit signs, ripped down signs, stolen door tags, vomit in the bathrooms, and everywhere in between – the University has had enough.

The hope is that students will become more aware of what BAC means and how many drinks they have throughout the night. In addition to decreasing the damage and disruption in the dorms, this is first and foremost a safety issue. Most students have no way of knowing what their BAC level is, or the BAC of those around them. This system gives students perspective of how much they are drinking, and also adds a safety measure for those who are far too intoxicated. If the breathalyzer reads above a .3 university security will be notified of which door was trying to be accessed, and that student will receive medical attention to be sure that they are safe.

Other than the fact that students will keep on drinking, find ways to cheat the system, find somewhere else to sleep, or simply come cause havoc at 11:59 – it seems like a great idea!

There isn’t a way for the university to monitor drinking that the student body will ever agree with or completely comply with, but the pursuit to promote moderation deserves respect and consideration.

Drink on Iowa City, just remember that the amount you drink has a direct impact on your chances of actually making it home.

Check the date.

University of Iowa