Yik Yak fosters hostility and everyone should delete it

Have these people never seen Cyberbully?

In my opinion, Yik Yak is an idiotic app that begs for hate and abuse.

It didn’t take coming to college to figure this out. It didn’t take the hate my previous articles got. To realize that Yik Yak is a horrible social media platform only took an understanding of the concept behind the app: a stream of anonymous 200 character public messages.

If anyone has something worthwhile to say, there shouldn’t be the need to say it anonymously.

I think this sums it all up.

Yik Yak lasted about two weeks in my high school before it was banned throughout the school boundaries. In the weeks leading up to this, I saw ridiculous rumors surface faster than ever before. I saw my friend shake with angry tears when a post of just her name was followed up by hateful comments. I saw teachers insulted, and most of all I saw a side to people I wish I hadn’t.

And if it seems like only a high school would take the initiative to raise awareness of the abuse happening on the app and to try to eliminate it, think again. This message from the Executive VP and Provost of Iowa was sent out in December of 2015 and called attention to the hate that is disrupting Iowa’s campus.


Among the initiatives P. Barry Butler endorsed to create a safer and more tolerant school was that “UISG and GPSG put out a statement condemning the hateful posts on social media; there is discussion of a “thumb it down” campaign to proactively remove Yik Yak posts”.

We can condemn hate. We can preach tolerance. But frankly, I’m not always tolerant myself – especially when it comes to people who don’t take responsibility for their words. So here’s what I’d like to say to all the avid Yakers out there:

If you’re lonely and horny, get a Tinder.

If you actually have something funny and creative to say why wouldn’t you want credit for it? It’s called Twitter.

Clearly you wouldn’t insult other races, sexualities, genders, etc if it was under your own name. Therefore, you know it’s wrong. So stop.

If you have a valid complaint about something you see online, a professor, or a any person in general – why are too afraid to confront them yourself? If it’s really that important to you, wouldn’t you want to let them know?

Lastly, if you have a genuine concern or issues that you need to anonymously talk about, use a hotline or go and get help from other resources. There are plenty of them.

Next time feel free to comment on the post itself!

Maybe this person is just frustrated because  they haven’t benefited from Elise’s advice on the “best places to get laid on campus

I would say that I look forward to seeing what Yik Yak has to say about this article but after doing the “research” above I deleted the app.

Frankly, I recommend we all do the same.

University of Iowa