Everything that happened at today’s ‘urgent response rally’

‘Enough is enough. We need change’

Protesters gathered for an “urgent response rally” at Kumble Plaza today to protest “structural racism” in Harvard Law School. 

Organized by Royall Must Fall, over 200 demonstrators gathered between Caspersen and Langdell after they claimed Dean Minow had not met their demands by their Monday 9am deadline.

Students and faculty criticised Minow for not doing enough about the black tape incident last month and the push to change the HLS seal, which comes from the former slave-owning Royall family.

They chanted “Enough is enough. We need change” and made speeches as part of a 30 minute rally.

Protesters gathered at 12.30pm with banners reading “silence is unacceptable”, “we are listening are you?” and “have a safe trip Dean Minow” – in response to her being out of town today.

Several demonstrators were spotted with placards reimagining the three bushels of wheat on the HLS seal being carried by slaves.

Watch the moment a protester says: “Any answer other than a resounding ‘yes’ is unacceptable.”

Dean Marcia Sells described Harvard Law School as “an institution that’s history is steeped in white supremacy.”

Dean Marcia Sells

She said: “I do indeed hear you and I think there are a number of things we can change and improve.

“I look forward to actually responding in a very important way to the issues.”

Prof Dehlia Umunna

Professor Dehlia Umunna added: “For as long as we have staff members and students who are not appreciated, I stand in solidarity with you.

“It is time for systematic change, and I will be here for as long as I’m breathing.

“We will continue to do this for as long as it takes. I will stand under the sun in solidarity with you.”

‘Reclaim HLS. Royall must fall. Enough is enough, we need change’

HLS third year Shay Johnson told The Tab : “[Dean Minow]’s not here, she did not tell students she would not be here, there’s just been no response.

“We want constructive solutions to be implemented by the administration.”
