What I learned my freshman year at BU

It went by so fast

It’s unbelievable that my time here at BU is now one year closer to an end. It seems like I’m back in high school, climbing the hierarchy and jumping into my sophomore year.

As I’m packing up my things in my Warren dorm (P.S. to incoming Terriers: don’t bring so much stuff because there’s a high chance you won’t need it all!) I look back on this year as a whole. Some things I learned throughout were tough, but others were pretty simple.

For one, be yourself. (B)e yo(U).. seriously

That motto has helped me a ton, and if you’re your genuine self then college will be a breeze. Sometimes it can take a while to find who you really are, but conforming to what others want you to be won’t get you very far.

Rhett knows best

Finding friends in college can either be second nature, or it can take a while

For those who had friends when coming here or found them the instant they came to BU, congrats and I hope you still have those friends nine months later.

For those who struggled or are still struggling, don’t you worry. BU is a huge campus with hundreds of people. Sometimes people won’t like you or you won’t click. However, just because you haven’t found “your” crowd yet, does not mean they aren’t out there. Keep looking, but remember to be yourself.

16C <3

I was lucky enough to make friends with the lovely ladies on my floor, kept some friends from orientation, and this semester I met my sisters through recruitment. The moral of this story is that no matter where you look at BU, you will find a friend, someone who wants to hang out, study or eat with you.

sista friends

Another freshman year lesson: don’t procrastinate studying for finals

It seems like I’ve learned this lesson time and time again and it just doesn’t stick..oops. But just remember that acing your exam because you studied for it is the best feeling, and your high GPA or Dean’s List recognition is #goals. Don’t lose sight of the importance of your academics!! Allston will still be there after your exams.

me prior to experiencing college exams and gaining the freshman 15 lol

The freshman 15 is normal

Don’t worry about putting on some extra pounds, and if you want you can hit the gym but don’t think it’s mandatory. There are bigger things to worry about that your body image. Don’t compare yourself to friends back home or people here because they aren’t you. You can’t go into college focused on your weight. It will most likely fluctuate, and that’s just an unavoidable side-effect of college life.

Don’t hesitate to explore where you’re living

Escaping the BU bubble is always a toughie. However, the T or even Uber is your getaway vehicle. Take a trip to the aquarium, go to Fanieul Hall, Quincy Market, the Pru, or take a walk down Newbury to window shop (let’s be real, we’re all ballin’ on a budget).

a night in fenway

On that note, HANDLE YOUR FUND$

You may think you have a plethora of convenience points or dining points, but those bad boys run out. Plan a budget and try to figure out what you need versus what you want. That also goes for the cash money in your bank account. Budgeting is a good way to keep everything all together, but don’t stress out too much. Sometimes you gotta treat yo’ self, but do it wisely.

Leaving Warren Towers will be hard (LOL, jk) but the memories we’ve all made here will stick with us. Whether it’s move-in day, FYSOP, the many fire alarms, or ~interesting~ dining hall experiences, we’ve had a hell of a year. Now it’s time for three more.

Dorm room glo up


