Student Body President apologizes after impeachment

‘I accept responsibility where it is due for failing to resolve the problems within Student Government that contributed to the events leading to this point’

The recent Student Government impeachments of both Kimberly Barzola and Marwa Sayed have sparked debate about discrimination and minority representation on campus.

Protests were held this week outside Marsh Chapel and the GSU.

Today, the student body president, Andrew Cho, released a statement apologizing to BU’s student body.

Although most of the controversy surrounding the trial was said to involve issues of discrimination, that was not a determining factor for the impeachments of the Vice President of Finance and Vice President of Internal Affairs.

He said: “Officially, the charges for discrimination were not considered a factor in the impeachment trial.

“Judging strictly on these performance charges, the majority of Senators voted to remove both VPs from office this past Monday.”

Cho went on to say the recent uproar against student government has potentially compromised the legitimacy of the group itself.

He urged Terriers to voice and defend their opinions, while also considering the opinions of others.

Evidently Student Government will have to restructure in light of recent events, but Cho remains positive, stating:

“So long as I serve as President, I commit to positive changes within while maintaining our support to both student groups and student-led initiatives that contribute to the BU community.”
