Union legend Sandy has passed away

We will always remember his ties

Sandy Mackenzie, the Union’s Bar Manager has passed away at the age of 60 after over 20 years of service at the St Andrews Union.

He worked his way up from a day shift bar man to Bar Manager over 20 years, and his work is vital in organising the smooth running of everything from Fresher’s Week to Graduation Ball.

The newly refurbished Sandy’s Bar in the Union was named after the man himself following his years of dedication to the Union.

He was well-loved by all who worked with him, with many students who worked alongside him saying that he treated them as family.

One student who worked alongside him at the union Bar said: “He was an amazing person, always there with a laugh and that the student union wont be the same without him.”

He made a huge impression on a number of students, and since his passing was announced, there have been countless tributes paid to him on social media and around the town. Famous for his  selection of flamboyant ties, his warmth and hard work will be sorely missed from the Union that he helped create.