Booking for the Easter Ski Trip goes live in less than a week!

It sold out in a minute last year

University of Nottingham Snowsports began counting down on Facebook earlier today, as online booking for their infamous Easter Ski Trip goes live in less than a week.

Last year’s trip had 600 allocated places – but sold out in under one minute… Within 4 more minutes a further 300 people had booked on for a week of high altitude hijinks. Demand for the extra beds was eventually met – putting the total number of Notts students in Val Thorens at over 900.

It made for a pretty crazy week – and from what we can see on facebook, this year they’re aiming for even bigger. The club’s recent like-and-share competition video on facebook, which offered students a chance to win 5 early booking codes for the trip, picked up 69k views during the days in which it ran.

They mean business.

Be there when booking goes live – you don’t wanna miss out on this one.

Booking for the Nottingham Easter Ski Trip goes live on the 10th February at 12pm.