The Chris-tea-an Union are back outside the Robbo

We love you CU

The legendary Christian Union are back to soothe our revision stress with a free cuppa, a biscuit (or four) and even a reassuring chat.

Everyone can sense the tension in the Robbo at the moment – it’s a struggle to get a seat after 8am.

But the loveable CU are spreading the good vibes in the tunnel from 10am until 4pm every weekday until the end of exams.

Inspirational words

What more to relieve stress than a warming cup of tea or coffee topped off with a custard cream.

It may not be your luxury Chai Latte or Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks…but it’s warm, comforting, caffeinated and free.

Smiles all round

Hamish, second year, said his cup of tea was “bloody marvellous”.

Peter of the Christian Union said: “We get quite a few people. The less stressed ones will sometimes stop and chat and ask why we do it.”

Caitlin, also from the Christian Union, said: “ Everyone’s so set in their mentality of revision, essays, and exams that they just rush past and grab a drink or a biscuit”.


Either way, stressed or procrastinating, the Christian Union is where it’s at.

Not only do they spend their days giving us the free calories we tell ourselves we need, they seem highly relaxed about their own academic deadlines.

Joanne Dodds, second year Economics student, said: “It’s sweet of them to give up their time for us during exams”.

Lucy Perkins, second year, said: “They’re always so friendly!”

Less stressed after her free cup of tea

When we asked them why they aren’t busy revising, Peter said: “There are 30 people in the Union so we take it in turns to be behind the stall”.

Maybe at the same time as taking our fourth biscuit we should take some tips about time management.

It’s not always easy though. Tershie Hayward, second year Geography student, said: “They ran out of milk and I had to have black tea which wasn’t very nice”

“But can’t complain because it was free”.

They would probably let you have all of them if you asked nicely

Harriet Powell, second year English student, said: “They really are godsends!

“Can I just talk about the variety of biscuits…I had a ginger nut, malted milk and a custard cream today – if that’s not what delivering the goods is, I don’t know what is”.

The light at the end of the tunnel