The Northern Lights will be visible from Liverpool tonight

Get your telescopes out, lads.

The Northern Lights were seen above Crosby beach last night and with clear skies being predicted by the Met office,  they are likely to return tonight.

Although the Northern Lights, also known as the aurora borealis, are generally best seen from North facing coastline areas such as Crosby beach, they have been seen all over the Merseyside area in the past. And according to the European Aurora Service,  a moderate geomagnetic storm is on its way tonight, meaning that the aurora will be visible overhead or on the horizon of the Merseyside area. Exciting.

The lights are most active between the months of March and April and September and October.

Second year Psychology student Yasmin Ahmed said: “I’ve never seen the Northern Lights before so it would be really cool if they were out tonight. I didn’t even know you would be able to see them from the Liverpool area to be honest.”

The northern lights will be shit compared to these because we’re not in Finland.

There is no specific known time that the lights will appear but websites such as Aurora Watch UK allow you to track activity.

Second year Philosophy student Josh Black said: “I’ve seen them from the UK once before but they weren’t really that great, just like tiny white lights in the sky really so hopefully they’ll be better this time.”

The Met Office will also release updates on when the aurora is likely to happen. Better get your cameras ready.