You’ve got into uni – now all you need to do is join The Tab

Why joining The Tab Liverpool is the only thing you should be doing this September

Well done, you’ve been accepted into a Russell Group institution (albeit not the best) and now you want make it in the world of scouse brows, drugs and boss nights out.

Even if the north seems like a distant desolate land to you right now, you’ll soon be skipping up Smithdown and singing to the boys frying chicken in Chesters.

If you want an easy in to some of the city’s worst kept secrets, best socials and a way to boost your CV at the same time – you’re looking in the right place.

If you join, you’ll get to pose for cheesy pictures like this one

Welcome to The Tab, the only student news site worth reading.

We get over two million  readers a month and cover stories about the things you actually care about.

You won’t find any national politics here but saucy student scandals delivered straight to your screens.

The Tab Liverpool gets big stories, from Nelly crashing Med to a machete hold up in halls and harsher tales of homophobia on campus.

If you want to be part of the best team at uni and care about action on campus (not writing about a film you watched from the comfort of your sofa) then get in touch.

Contact our editors Cristina or Adam and prepare to be part of a team that takes nothing seriously – apart from news.

The Tab’s full of fitties

You’ll also receive the coveted Tab Tee and invitations to our legendary socials.

If you can’t be arsed to write, but love a bit of gossip, we’d love to hear your tales of debauchery – email or get in touch with us on our Facebook or Twitter.

If your story is worth it, the hot shots over at Tab HQ will pay you anything from £5 to £500 for it.

May your freshers be a big and messy blur – just make sure you come and tell us all how wild you are.

Tara for now, chucks.

What a lovely bunch