£175,000 from Library Fines! Where Does It All Go?
We could have had 76 more lamps for the SU or even had 53,000 meal deals. Anyone hungry?
Library fines are one of the reasons why some students have no money in the bank and part of the reason why the university does.
Following a Freedom of Information request, The Tab revealed that The David Wilson Library has made a whopping £175, 000 from billing students unreasonably high costs for overdue books.
It’s just one of those things, you’ve been fined because you’ve had no time to return a book or have had them recalled by another user. Damn you other user, damn you.
So where does our money even go? There are a number of options, here are some of our favourites:
Those mahoosive lamps in the SU that are supposed to look cool.
These bad boys cost £2,280 a pop meaning we could have seen 76 more of them in the SU. The building is pretty well lit though so they wouldn’t have been necessary really. With that said, the ones that are in the SU aren’t really necessary because they aren’t plugged in. £11,000 is a lot of money to spend on things that don’t work.
Copious meal deals at nourish.
That same amount of money, £175,000, could have bought 53,191 £2.39 meal deals from Nourish. That’s enough to buy every student at Leicester a meal deal twice!
Those new chairy thingies outside the libary.
Who knows how much they cost…that 175 grand could probably have bought another 3 or 4 though. Not that anyone under understands them. They’re just awkward – who even sits on those!
Big clocks
Who doesn’t love a big clock? You’ve probably never noticed the size of them before, but now you will. We could have had 700 Newgate clocks from John Lewis from those fines. Tick Tock.
Mini Pringles from Delicious.
£1.20 for that tiny thing! Ridiculous. It’s okay though, the £175k would have bought 145,833 tubes. That’s a serous amount of crisp.
Appaz, minus the refurb, a lot of money went into changing the sign and name of the Gym.
Yup. They renamed it the “University of Leicester Sports Centre.” Very err, creative..
Richard III stash
It’s great that UoL funded the research and dig for our beloved Dickie. Even better that we found him! But why would anyone in their right minds wanna wear these?!
Because that’s really what we need more of at uni..
Although not to be too harsh, they did make a huge underground bike shed…
And I think it has come of use…
Let’s face it though, the money has probably been reinvested into something worthwhile like more books and the new Career Development service, who are actually pretty handy.
We were hoping to get a free lunch though. What a bummer.