Leeds University Bucket List

The ultimate set of challenges to complete before you graduate, brought to you by The Official University Bucket List

1. Have sex in the library. Extra points if it’s out in the open like this 

edward boyle1

2. Have a civil conversation with a Met student

3. Complete a “Shotley Run” (only drink shots on an Otley Run)

4. Order Modafinil

5. Get a selfie with a Police officer

6. Get thrown out of Fruity

7. Take a hot drink to Edward Boyle level ‘Flirteen’

8. Have no recollection of being on Tequila TV

9. Run through Hyde Park in the dark

10. Wake up in vomit

How many have you done?

For more check out The Official University Bucket List – a page set up as part of the business school’s marketing challenge.