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First Coronavirus case in London diagnosed

A woman in her late 20s has been diagnosed

On Wednesday afternoon, an unnamed Chinese woman became the first patient in London to be diagnosed with coronavirus.

She is the ninth patient to be diagnosed in the UK.

The woman, in her late 20s or early 30s, lives in London with her relatives. She flew into London Heathrow from China (where she contracted the virus) at the weekend.

It is not yet known whether she travelled to Wuhan or Hubei province, where the outbreak started.

She developed symptoms and called NHS 111.

On Sunday afternoon, she was tested at a London hospital, before being returned to her home and keeping herself in isolation while waiting for the results.

On Wednesday, Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty confirmed the woman was transferred to a "specialist NHS centre at Guy’s and St Thomas’ in London". She continues to receive treatment in hospital.

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Guy's Hospital

It is not known if her relatives have also been tested for the virus, but it is probable they will be, along with anyone she has come into contact with during her flight and subsequent movements.

Nathalie MacDermott, NIHR academic clinical lecturer at King’s College London, said provided the patient had followed the government's advice: "there should be little concern of transmission to the general public in London, although close contacts … may be at risk of being infected."

Photo Credit: SWNS