We asked what you hate most about your housemates

The gloves are off

housemates pet peeves

We were all so excited to start uni and live with random people, but are we now so sure?

Living with others is an interesting experience, but interestingly it’s not dirty dishes winding you all up. It’s more along the “he compulsively cleans naked in the kitchen at four in the morning.”

Erin, a second year English and Creative Writing student, hates that no one will ever clean the bath after they use it.

“There is loads of bath scum marks around the rim. If you were to sit in that bath you’d get diseases.”

Ana and Adrian: European Languages  and Marine Biology

As to be expected flat sharing with other 18 to 25 year olds, there will always be a sense of student camaraderie – particularly at about 11 pm in the middle of predrinks when everyone joins together for a tuneless and painful rendition of Robbie Williams, Angels.

For freshers Ana and Adrian, two students from Romania that live together in halls, that is their pet peeve.

Shortly followed by “finding a mop bucket full of chunder after every pre-drinks”.

Third year Eve is writing her dissertation for Film and Television.

Her housemates are all male and leave loads of pubes all over the bathroom, and “not to mention naked strolls around the house”.

Lawrence, a postgrad studying Geography, is sick and tired of the “disappearing beer”.

Who ever the beer thief is, ‘fess up eh?

Fresher Joanna studies International Politics.

In Freshers’ Week her housemates revealed their true colours by “pooping on the the lid of the toilet, rather than in it, and smearing it around the walls.”

She added: “It’s just a bit disgusting really.”

Jack is in his third year of a Marketing degree.

What grinds his gears is when his housemates “let all their drunk friends in at three in the morning” and proceed to “play with the microwave and toastie oven loudly.”

Dylan and Jon: Maths / Animal Science

Dylan and Jon, both first years, study Maths and Animal Science.

The bad habit of their flat was “one guy was a constant compulsive liar who lied about just about everything he could get away with.”

Luisardo is a first year doing Child Education Studies.

When his flat mates get steaming drunk they “decide it’s the greatest idea to perch in the kitchen, and play the accordion at four in the morning, everytime they drink. It’s so frustrating.”

Luisardo also said  the top song played by his housemate was Rains of Castemere and he now “hates Game of Thrones because of it”.

Eve, Rachael, Ffion and Emily
PGCE Course (Fourth year)

Eve, Ffion, Rachael and Emily are all in their fourth year doing a PGCE course for English.

One of their housemates was scared of vomit.

They said: “They would often vomit on the hallway carpet, but being so scared of vomit they refused to clean it up meaning we had to do it.

“Also, we had a housemate that was really creepy and we found a notepad he’d been keeping since the start of term and he’d written down the exact times of each house member’s comings and goings, like ‘Olive left today at 4:15 pm and returned at 5:39 pm’.

“It was that sort of really creepy stuff.”

Fourth year Maths student, Matthew, said: “My housemate strips bollock naked in any room of the house, spends the time to neatly pile his clothes in which ever room he’s in, and then piss off to his room naked, having left all his clothes in a different room.”

Michael, a friend of Matthew, and also studying Maths in his fourth year.

His house mate has a unique bad habit: he compulsively cleans drunk.

It’s normally just the washing up “but once he decided he wanted to hoover the house top to bottom at about two in the morning.”