The Tab’s guide to life after graduation

The world is your oyster, young graduate. Only trouble is, the world is very big and you are very small.


Graduating is like falling off a cliff.

After the elation of survival subsides, you realise you’re screwed. You’re eyeball-deep in debt and have been so busy with booze and babes in the last three years that the only thing on your CV is a Duke of Edinburgh Award.

At best, you hope for a job in recruitment and weekends re-living student hedonism in Shoreditch. At worst, you’ll be pulling pints in your local boozer.

On that positive note, here is a visual guide (containing one quite aggressively-flashing image) of what to expect!

How you plan to spend the summer:

How you will spend the summer:

After two weeks living at home:

 A realistic assessment of your interests and hobbies:

Updating your CV and writing cover letters:

When someone suggests that you should get a LinkedIn account:

 When people ask what you plan to do now:

When someone makes a facebook status about getting a grad job:

And after a life of unemployment, you can enjoy the company of your cats: