Who to avoid in term three

With stressful times, come stressful people…

As exams approach and you muster up the courage to lock yourself in your room, the library, or wherever else you think you work hardest, you’ll start to notice those student stereotypes we find ourselves scorning at out of jealousy or just sheer irritation. The Tab have come up with a few classics for you to be wary of…

1)      ‘The Know It all’

This type of student is all too common. Somehow, they’re way ahead of the game, and months before the exam you see them flying through those past exam papers. Or even just looking at them. The Know It All will shock you, depress you, and then motivate you, all combined with a touch of resentment towards them for being far too prepared.

2)      ‘The Crammer’

Students tend to (ironically) have a lot of respect for the crammer. The crammer can originate from 1) total and utter confidence in his/her cramming ability, 2) lack of organisation, or 3) incredible misfortune. Either way, there’s always one.  Generally they handle themselves well, with an occasional break down involving tears or a colossal amount of alcohol.

3)      ‘The One Who Keeps Bugging You’

Possibly the most irritating one of all. This type of student will permanently ask you what stage your revision is at, what work you have done, how much you have left…the list goes on. Usually, it’s some sort of attempt to make them feel better about themselves if you’ve done less than them.

4)      ‘The One Who Knows Nothing But Gets The Grades’

Thought these guys only existed at school? Unfortunately not. Days before the exam when you start testing your fellow course mates on potential topics, the One Who Knows Nothing will sit there quietly, happily, and unable to answer even one of your questions. And yet, come results day, they end up with a very decent grade. Maybe even a higher one than yours. How do they do it? Impressive cramming? Luck? A miracle?

5)      ‘The Flailer’

The flailer is possibly the most dangerous of all. The constant flurrying, whining and publicising of ‘how-much-they’re-going-to-fail’ might be enough to set you off too. Unless you’re extraordinarily resilient or too unobservant to notice, it’s best to stay away from the flailer or you might begin to panic too. You could give them a few reassuring words or some sympathetic smiles, but don’t get too close.

Now that you’re aware of these characters, you can thoroughly prepare yourself in the event that you or your friends end up turning into one of them…