We are all in solidarity with Mizzou


Recently, racial tensions have risen at the University of Missouri. Online threats have been made against people of color, with particularly disturbing Yik Yak posts reading: “I’m going to stand my ground tomorrow and shoot every black person I see” and “some of you are alright. don’t go to campus tomorrow.”

Rumors have also been spreading around Missouri’s campus about potential attacks. Student Body President Payton Head posted this status to his Facebook: “Students, please take precaution. Stay away from the windows in residence halls. The KKK has been confirmed to be sighted on campus.”

Despite these reports, the police found nothing.

But with our own fight for equality far from over, Yale students have taken to social media with a simple message to show their support for the terrified University of Missouri students, using the hashtags #ConcernedStudent1950 and #InSolidaritywithMizzou.

We stand by you, Mizzou.

Yale University