Meet Ally Grossman, JE senior and women’s soccer team captain

Tomorrow is her last game as a Yale Bulldog

On Saturday, November 7th, the Yale women’s soccer team faces off against Brown for their last game of the season.

For some players, this marks the beginning of a well-deserved break. But for senior and captain Ally Grossman, this is the last time she’ll step onto the field with the rest of the team.

The Tab sat down with the JE senior before her last game as a Yale Bulldog.

What position do you play?

“I’m a defender.”

What is your favorite memory from your time on the soccer team?

“My favorite memory has to be my first collegiate game against Hartford. I scored my first collegiate goal and won the game.”

What’s your least favorite memory?

“I tore my meniscus the first day of preseason sophomore year, so that was pretty terrible. I had to miss the entire season.”

Are there any bizarre traditions you have?

“Pre-game, I have to walk out to the field with my shoes untied. I tie them when the coaches are talking to us before warm-up. And I have to chew gum during warm-up.”

What’s your favorite game day or “night before” meal?

“I know I should eat super healthy the night before a game, but I don’t. Really. I usually eat chicken with broccoli and white rice from Basil. It’s just so delicious.”

Favorite drink?

“Arizona Iced Tea, definitely. Oh, unless you meant alcohol. Then it would either be a vodka cranberry or a margarita.”

If you had to be on a sports team other than your own, which would it be?

“I get asked all the time if I play volleyball because I’m tall, so I guess that. Unfortunately, I have no hand-eye coordination, so that could be an issue.”

Give your squad a name.

“The ~Beliebers~”

ComeĀ cheer on Ally and the rest of the Yale Women’s Soccer TeamĀ as they take on Brown tomorrow at 4pm.

Yale University