Celebrating reproductive rights at V to Shining V

Rachel Lackner cracked jokes about birth control, Sophie Dillon recited haikus about her vagina

The Reproductive Rights Action League at Yale threw Thursday night’s party “V to Shining V,” featuring premier female stand-up comedy and a drink menu offering a Marga-Rite-to-Choose and a Consensual Sex-on-the-Beach.

The party marked Yale’s involvement in a nationwide celebration hosted by the Lady Parts Justice League, a pro-choice organization based in Washington D.C.

LPJ describes itself as: “A coven of hilarious badass feminists who use humor and pop culture to expose the haters fighting against reproductive justice.”

Parties were thrown all over the country this week with “V to Shining V,” to celebrate “the awesomeness that is womenfolk while drinking, laughing, and plotting to toss out politicians who want to undermine them”.

Partygoers at Yale’s event were not overhead “plotting” the downfall of any politicians. But the tangible enthusiasm in the common room of Davenport’s Crosspiece suite suggested all present would be voting pro-choice in the next election.

And if Congress’ recent threats to cut Planned Parenthood’s federal funding hadn’t totally convinced them, Sophie Dillon’s simile comparing her vagina to the Vietnam War certainly must have.

Both have hardened many men.

Yale University