How to organize your closet, from a true fashion fanatic

Tips for organizing your closet from a fashion fanatic with self-diagnosed OCD

Don’t let the stress of a messy closet keep you from looking fashion forward and put together. Follow my simple tips to getting organized and you’ll never fret over your frocks again.

One season at a time

If you’re like me, your closet at school is much smaller than your closet at home. Finding a place for all my clothes is nearly impossible, and when I do manage to get everything in, it is a crumpled mess. I’ve found it helpful to rotate the clothes in my closet based on the season. When class starts in fall, I have most of my summer favorites and many of my fall necessities. At Thanksgiving break, I bring home the summer clothes and bring break my winter gear. 

Keeping a small portion of your wardrobe at hand will save you the headache of searching for weather-appropriate pieces in your jumbled closet.

Fewer items gives you more space to hang them, thus avoiding wrinkles. If transporting clothes back and forth isn’t possible, consider purchasing a small wardrobe or a garment rack.  Then, you can have clothes for all the seasons in one place. Items not being used can hang in your closet, and items you are wearing all the time can be outside at-the-ready.     

Avoid the rainbow

Many people choose to follow the ROYGBIV method of organization. I however despise this technique.  Does anyone really pick out an outfit based on what color they feel like wearing? I think not.

 What people actually do is consider how they feel, where they are going and what the occasion is. All of these factors determine how we dress, not necessarily the color of something.

Group items by type instead. Hang tops and bottoms based on similarities.   I hang all my nice blouses and tunics together, cardigans and sweaters, tees and tanks, dresses, skirts and business attire. Jeans, athletic wear and PJs are folded separately.

Keep the box

When it comes to shoes, things can get messy. I highly recommend keeping your shoe boxes for storage purposes. They stack easily on shelves and on the floor. Keeping the right pair in the right box also keeps you from digging for the hidden shoe. No more rummaging through bins or under the bed for a match.

Use fishing gear

This one may seem odd, but tackle boxes make the best jewelry boxes. You can get them at any sporting goods store for a reasonable price and they come in a variety of compartment configurations.  Make it your own by super-gluing some soft felt to the bottom so your items stay safe from scratches.

Not everyone is passionate about organization, but these tips can really save you a headache when figuring out what to wear.

University of Wisconsin