How UW-Madison students are procrastinating for finals

None of us are really studying non-stop, so what are we actually doing?

Not only is it winter, but it is also finals season. Exams week is quickly approaching and there is only so much time left to cram in all the knowledge of first semester. Let’s be real, we are not always at the library or at our desks until midnight. Half the time is spent doing an array of things just to procrastinate.

Online shopping

Online shopping an easy way to procrastinate during finals week. You are on your computer typing your final paper and all of a sudden, you notice your hand clicked open a new tab.  Thirty minutes have been wasted without you realizing. With the holidays coming up, online shopping may be a necessity.  Don’t feel like you are wasting too much time while doing it.

Making to-do lists

When there is a lot on your mind at once, you write it all out.  This stresses you out even more, so you don’t end up doing any of it. This is common among college students, but it happens most during finals season. There is just so much to do in so little time, and sometimes you just question if it is even worth it, taking a nap instead.


When in doubt, watch Netflix. When the work becomes too much, it is necessary to take a little break and catch up on a show or two. This is all good until you become addicted and do not have enough self-control to stop.  You realize you’ve let six episodes play and now it’s time for bed.  You’ve missed the whole night of studying you had planned.  When it comes between Netflix and your studies, self-control is non-existent.

Miscellaneous stuff

Now this is the king of all of procrastination. Whether it’s realizing your Brita filter needs to be changed, the carpet needs to be vacuumed, your bed isn’t made, or your desk needs reorganizing, anything to you at this point looks better than studying. Coming up with little things to do seems appealing to you every five minutes, making it hard to get anywhere in your studies.

Pondering life

This is the moment when you find yourself lying on the floor, staring into space, and wondering how you got here and what you are doing. Sometimes, you tell yourself you are going to lie down for a quick second, but then you end up missing  class, not going to the library, or doing anything.  Instead, you continue to lie there and do nothing.

If you find yourself doing one of these this week, remember you are not alone. Try to have self-control and, after procrastinating, go back to your studies.  If it still doesn’t happen, know there’s always tomorrow.

University of Wisconsin