An honest application to the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Let’s be honest, there’s no way everyone is honest on their college applications

Dear Applications Committee;

I have a confession, or maybe a few, to make on behalf of my fellow peers.

You see, there’s a slight possibility, a really small possibility in the grand scheme of things, we may have over-emphasized some things on our applications.

I know, I know, who would do something like that? Well, we have our reasonings.

Getting into college is hard if you’re not a 4.0 student involved in everything under the sun while simultaneously scoring a 36 on the ACT. Truly, we’d rather not look at over-emphasizing as a negative, but more as a positive. It’s good to be confident in yourself, right? Everyone always says you should sell yourself in a job interview, so what’s the difference?

Anyway, we should still come clean.

We were barely involved in those high school clubs

Not to negate the value of being involved, but between sports practices, homework, and jobs, how could we be on top of all the clubs we were in? Besides, clubs in high school are completely different than ones in college. We really did intend to get involved in all those organizations on campus, but how do you chose only a few?

We did bring toasters into our dorm rooms

We know we have to accept a contract for living in University Housing, but seriously, no toasters? The last thing we want to do is exert more effort than needed to make a bagel. We couldn’t let it fly.

Our ACT scores weren’t great

And that’s being honest. Somehow those are overlooked and we can believe standardized testing doesn’t play a huge role in the application process, like many people said it did.  Thank you.

We really didn’t think we’d be drinking that much

It speaks for itself. Peer pressure doesn’t exist, but a whole new world at college does.

We may have said we worked harder than we usually do

It’s not a total lie. We may have said we’d get involved in more than we do. We may have said we cared more about high school when we really just wanted to start our next steps. We got here somehow, and we’re killing it every step of the way.

Please forgive us, we just wanted to go to one of the best schools in the nation.


The ones who have perfected being amazingly average

University of Wisconsin