An honest look at empty-nest parents

A day in the life of an empty-nester

After five years of feeling like an only child after my siblings to college, the day finally came when my parents became empty-nesters. It wasn’t easy for any of us.  We were so used to it just being us three.  Like many college students, I wondered what my parents did all day while they’re alone, so I interviewed the person who experiences it first hand: my mom.

What’s it like to be an empty-nester?

‘I don’t enjoy it. I like to know where my kids are at all times and be able to help them whenever they need it.  But with all of them away, I don’t know what to do with myself. There’s no one to care for.’

What do you do with all your free time?

‘I work full time at J.Crew on North Ave. in the city and spend almost all of my time there throughout the week. Most days, I work until 7 or 8pm, so I never have a free second. It is a lot, but if I didn’t do it, I would have way too much time on my hands to worry about you guys.’

Do you do any fun things you didn’t do before?

‘Not really. Now, me and Dad go to dinner with other parents more than usual.  I guess because before, we didn’t like leaving you for dinner alone. So that’s fun! My other new favorite thing is visiting you in Madison.  It is so easy to get there and back just for the day.’

What is your favorite part about being an empty-nester?

‘It has been the best thing having you all home for Thanksgiving and having us all together again. I think these breaks are the best thing for all of us. I love cooking all of your favorite meals, going to see movies, and getting pedicures together. So, my favorite part is when you guys all come back.’

University of Wisconsin