The inevitable mistakes you’ll make freshman year

Because college

Ahhh freshman year: the time to make memories, friends, but most importantly a shit ton of mistakes. You’re living at a new school with thousands of teenagers and no parents, and you’re thinking, “what could possibly go wrong?” The answer: a lot.

There are a ton of mistakes you’ll inevitably make freshman year, but the embarrassment is necessary in order to shape who you are, and what your college experience is like. The best part is, no one can judge you for them because we’ve all been there.

Wearing your lanyard

I know the lanyard seems like a completely logical way to hold your keys and Wiscard, but wearing it is the most obvious thing you can do to brand yourself as a freshman. Although it may seem cool to rep your new school, nothing says “I am a first-year student” more than a lanyard wrapped around your neck.


Your first midterm is coming up and you think you can do what you did in high school and wait until the last minute to study…until you have a mini panic-attack the night before the exam. Let’s face it, we’ve all procrastinated once or twice (or too many times), and in the moment it honestly feels like you won’t make it through the test alive (spoiler alert: you do). Once it’s over, you swear you’ll never procrastinate again (spoiler alert: you do).

Doing laundry

The struggle is too real when it comes to doing laundry on your own, especially if it’s your first time. Yes, you will turn a white shirt red. Yes, you will probably shrink your favorite pair of jeans. Yes, you will probably have to text your mom a couple of times for instructions. But yes, you will get the hang of it eventually.

Trying to avoid the Freshman 15

When you eat at Gordon’s three times a day, it’s impossible to avoid the dreaded Freshman 15. You may think a couple trips to the SERF will offset your diet of nothing but waffles and cheese curds, but you gotta accept the fact that gaining a little bit of weight is inevitable. Don’t stop yourself from indulging on Babcock ice cream, because you probably deserve it.

Getting too drunk at frat parties

It’s your first frat party, and you’re loving the free shots and jungle juice…until you wake up the next morning with a pounding headache and no recollection of the night before. We’ve all had experiences going a little too hard at frat parties, but they don’t call Madison the number one party school for nothing, right?

Taking 8 AM classes

It’s cute that you think you can be motivated and productive in the morning just like in high school, but the reality is you will instantly regret taking any 8am class. I know you may want those extra foreign language credits, but I can bet you’ll want the extra hour of sleep even more.

Signing up for too many activities

You go to the student org fair, and everything sounds so interesting. I mean, UW literally has a Cheese Club. Just know your motivation to get involved will soon disappear, and all that will be left are annoying emails every week reminding you of the club meetings you don’t even remember signing up for.

Trying to look good for class

You may have tried hard to wear cute clothes and do your makeup for classes in high school, but there’s an unspoken dress code when it comes to a college lecture. Wear anything nicer than a sweatshirt and leggings, and you will be judged.

Not making it past the tailgate

Unfortunately, we’ve all had experiences pregaming a little too hard. Game day can sometimes get the best of us, and the only “wave” we experience is the wave of nausea that comes after one too many shots at a tailgate. Sadly, the season tickets you bought will have to go to waste. Next time, you’ll learn to rally.

Not enjoying every moment

Freshman year is dysfunctional, crazy, and also really short. This is the time to make new friends and lasting memories, so don’t waste it! The mistakes you make will help you learn how to truly live on your own, and have the best college experience possible. Live it up while you can, because you’re only a freshman once.


University of Wisconsin