Addressing the Trump supporters in my life

An open letter to all of the people in my life who are voting for Trump

If you would have told me a year ago I’d have to choose between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for the presidential ticket, I would have laughed in your face. This guy had everyone believing he was joking about running in general for the longest time! I want to laugh about how ridiculous this all is, but I also want to cry, because of how important this is for my life, my family’s life, and life of my future children.

I’ve been trying to address the people in my life who will vote for the “Trump-Pence” ticket since my grandma uttered the words, “I’m voting for Trump, because he’s going to build a wall!” I grew up in the most liberal house you’ll ever encounter, so you can imagine the awkward silence and wide eyes when she yelled this.

Unfortunately, my grandma grew up in a time where everyone who was a little different was bad. She comes from a generation who refers to ethnicities in derogative ways without remorse or second thought. So, I didn’t want to blame her for her close minded quote. However, I’ve been left with a terrible taste in my mouth from all the people I love and respect, who agree with her.

Are we so concerned with our labels as “Democrats” versus “Republicans” we have to ignore EVERYTHING that’s bad about this man. I’m a political science major. I literally study this stuff every single day. This man will not make anything great as he so claims.

I respect your right to vote for whoever your heart desires. I’m not mad about who you’re voting for, I’m disappointed about you using your voice to cover up those who need it.

Your vote allows Donald Trump to have no respect for women. Here, I could reference the horrendous video his supporters have brushed off as “locker room” talk. First off, even male athletes in the locker room have more respect for females. Second, why are we okay with our president being below average and making a bunch of “mistakes”? They’re supposed to role models. They’re supposed to represent us in the best light and most respectable way. Not only did he say it, but his defense for the allegations have further insulted women. I’d like to know what Donald Trump’s view of someone he actually “would’ve done that to” would look like.

Amber’s response to “How does Donald Trump make you feel as a women?”

Your vote allows Donald Trump to increase racial tension in the United States. Racial issues are already bad enough. Let’s throw a man in there to validate these racists, rather than end it once in for all. Let’s have a ROLE MODEL call an entire ethnicity “rapists, murderers, and drug dealers”. If it doesn’t get bad after that, we could always scare people into thinking refugees fleeing from a civil war are dangerous purely because of their religion.

Your vote denies me from ever getting an affordable education. I’m a first-generation college student. I’ve never been ashamed of where I came from or what I have. My parents have worked their asses off and struggled to help me become the women I am. We need to worry about the kids who harbor the cure for cancer or the intellect to reverse what we’ve done to the climate yet are skipping college for minimum wage jobs, because they can’t afford it.

How much student debt because interest rates are so high… inside the planner where I write down my full-time student schedule, 25 hour/week work schedule, and payments I already owe.

Your vote allows discrimination against people with disabilities. He’ll deny it, but that happened. Your vote allows LGBTQ rights to be slipped under the rug when it needs to be dealt with right now. Your vote confirms to our government you believe climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese.

Open your eyes, people. Read sources other than the ones that confirm your beliefs. My vote only has the power to cancel out one of yours.

So, those people in my life who are voting for this terrible man. Don’t. I don’t respect any reasoning behind your decision. Any good you’ve justified out of his views can be canceled out by hundreds of offensive quotes he’s said. You’re allowing someone with no credentials, no plans, and no knowledge on how to run a country to represent you and I. I would never be disappointed with someone who identified as Republican, but this man doesn’t even qualify as that. I’m supposed to respect everyone’s opinion, but this one I can’t respect.

I’ve had the amazing opportunity to see politics up close and personal and I’m so sure Hillary is the right choice!

For those of you who vote for Trump because of your hatred of Clinton, look into the third party candidates. Do your research on what actually happened in regards to Benghazi and these infamous “emails”. Trump’s using them as buzzwords against Clinton that are proving effective, but do you even know all the facts? It’s not the “lesser of two evils”. There’s one candidate who has the credentials and poise for the position and there’s another who’s roller coaster of offending quotes needs to get out of my face.

This article might seem a little overboard, but voting is so important. It’s not like some Twitter poll you can choose to participate in or not. Voting in this election  is necessary, because the outcome will affect your life for the next four years. You have the freedom to have a say, so don’t waste it. I’m proud of you for exercising your right no matter who you vote for, but I don’t know if I could ever respect a vote for Trump. It’s a vote against everything I’ve learned. It’s a vote against everything I stand for.


University of Wisconsin