UW- Madison Halloweekend costume highlights

Halloween may be over, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some of the best costumes of the weekend

Halloween brings in all sorts of creativity. From Dads to Ouija Boards, here are some of the funniest, cleverest, and most creative costumes seen over the Halloweekend.

The Devil Wears Prada 

Nothing like a good puny costume.

The Wisconsin dad

We can all appreciate a great dad outfit.

The housewives

The real housewives of UW-Madison

Russell from Up

So cute!

101 Dalmatians 


Who doesn’t love dogs? C’mon.

Ouija board

The perfect combination of creative and scary.

Adam and Steve

Yes. Yes. Yes.

The Barden Bellas 

Buddy the Elf

What’s your favorite color?

Peanut butter baby 

ICONIC. If you don’t know what this is please watch the Youtube video below.

Red solo cups

Nothing screams a Badger tailgate Halloweekend quite like red solo cup costumes.

Marty Mcfly


Kodak Black

Ron Swanson


A Terrace chair

What’s more ‘scon than a Terrace chair from Memorial Union?


University of Wisconsin