My sensitivity doesn’t make me weak

Feeling everything so deeply can be a blessing

In today’s day and age, you meet so many people and they’re all so different. Although I sometimes lose faith in humanity, I meet people that make me start to gain that trust again.

People who feel so much and love so hard. People who would do anything for other people to make them simply smile. These are people who yearn to give everything to other people and if other people are happy, then they are happy.

These people feel like no other, they feel when you’re upset and hold you as you cry all night long, they feel the pain of someone who walks out of their life, they feel the happiness of simply getting smiled at on the street. Every little thing impacts them in some sort of way. It’s what I like to call sensitive or as some people call it- emotional.

Today, being sensitive in society is looked at in a negative way. If you’re sensitive then you can’t hang, but that’s not true at all.

Just because you’re sensitive doesn’t mean you’re worth any less than any other person you’re surrounded by. Yes, you feel so much more than other people, but that doesn’t mean you should be seen negatively.

I am not afraid to say that I, myself, Cristina Vasquez am a very sensitive/ emotional person. I am not weak because of this.

Being sensitive means loving harder, falling faster, crying more, getting hurt easier, caring more, but most of all living life to the fullest. You feel every aspect of life, you aren’t numb to certain emotions.

Sensitivity should be seen in a different light than it is today

The way society looks at being sensitive makes these people who feel so much feel like shit, like this is a curse when it really is a blessing.

People should never be put in a situation where they have to hide who they are just because it doesn’t go with what society thinks is acceptable. It would be truly horrible to have to live a life hiding who you truly are, living in fear that people would judge you for who you are inside. You can’t change who you are, you were made like this, so embrace it.

My whole life, I’ve always been a lot more sensitive than my friends and growing up, I was afraid to show it, but now as a college student, I have learned to embrace it.Anyone who knows me, even just crosses paths with me knows I am very sensitive and I’m not afraid to show it. I feel a lot and I may not always express it to everyone, but I do feel everything whether it be positive or negative.

You may not think that comment you made one night when you were drunk meant anything, but for me it took on a world of it’s own.

To those of you that are sensitive

Don’t be afraid to show people who you really are. Some people really do appreciate sensitivity (I know I do). There’s nothing wrong with showing your true colors, you never know where it could get you. Why live a double life? Don’t be ashamed of this gift you have. You are blessed beyond belief, and this is only the beginning of it all. You are only beginning your life and along the rest of your journey, you will soon realize being a sensitive human being really isn’t that bad.

For now- Keep your head up and keep moving on. Things can get tough, and we may be sensitive, but we are strong.



University of Wisconsin