Do’s and don’ts of Halloween costumes

If you’re like me, you are 20 years-old and still like to play dress up

Oreo filling is orange, there are pumpkins on front porch steps, and everyone at Starbucks is ordering pumpkin spice lattes: it must be Halloween. When you are deciding what to dress up as this year, keep these tips in mind:

Do think of ideas in advance

If you’re like me, you are 20 years old and still like to play dress up. This means when Halloween rolls around, you are super excited and might have a hard time narrowing down your costume ideas.

In order to gather your thoughts and prepare for this special day of spooky fun, start thinking of ideas October 1.  It may be too late for this year, but you’ll be better prepared next year.

Don’t use the holiday as an excuse to dress overtly sexy

Halloween gets a bad wrap for being the day when girls relinquish their wardrobes to the devil and go out on the town looking (for lack of a better word) slutty.

Don’t fall victim to the trap.  Yes, it’s fun to emulate a sexy celebrity or be a sassy kitty, just don’t take it too far. We want to see your costume, not your skin. Keep it classy like Ariel and Eric.

Do it yourself

There is nothing more satisfying than making or putting a costume together yourself. Anyone can  search “halloween costumes” and pick the first decent one in stock. Not everyone can craft the perfect costume from scratch.

If you take the time to put something special together, everyone will ohhh and ahhh at your handy work.

Don’t take yourself too seriously

Have fun. Last year I was a parrot and wore a giant beak. It was worth it.

Do coordinate with others

Unlike holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, you get to spend Halloween with your friends. Celebrate the day by going to a party dressed as an iconic pair or group.   

Have a safe and fun Halloween, everyone!

University of Wisconsin