UW-Madison Dean of Students releases statement about sexual assault

UW-Madison Dean of Students responds to recent sexual arrest chargers on a student

Dean of Students, Lori Berquam, released a statement this afternoon regarding the current sexual assault concerns on campus.

Berquam said she is fully behind the safety of all the students on campus, and she reminded the student body that sexual assault has never and will never be acceptable on this campus.

As there are a lot of stories coming out about Alec Cook, a UW-Madison student facing sexual assault charges, Berquam felt it was necessary to assure students the University is responding to the issues at hand.

Berquam said the student charged with sexual assault is in custody and is under emergency suspension from the university.

University officials are also working alongside the Madison Police Department with this investigation to get to the bottom of what has happened.

Berquam emphasized the university’s dedication to supporting victims of assault and noted some of the services available, such as mental health and victim advocacy groups in the community.

Berquam closed by pledging all reports would be taken very seriously and investigated thoroughly.


University of Wisconsin