Ten backpack essentials for college survival

Ten items I now always carry after some rough experiences

As a college student, I am always riding the struggle bus.  Hell, I’m the driver of the struggle bus.  I embody the struggle bus.  I constantly find myself in dilemmas on campus, many of which have easy fixes.  I wish I would have packed a snack, hungry Shannon tummy thinks while sitting in a power lecture.  Why didn’t I check the weather, I have thought when it’s pouring rain and I am unprepared.  Well, don’t you fear: I have compiled a list of the top ten essentials to get you through a college day, and you too can always be prepared.

Let’s get started!


Never again will your new shoes defeat you.  I have made many a bloody walk home from my new shoes rubbing me in all the wrong places, but with the help of my Mickey Mouse Band-Aids, I no longer have to fear.  Plus, I am prone to slamming my fingers in doors, and Band-Aids and Mickey are always there to comfort me.  Another advantage?  I volunteer with kids, and nothing brightens up a child’s day more than a fun Band-Aid.  Make a child’s day, or your own, with a fun adhesive bandage.  It’s the little things that count.

A small umbrella

There is nothing worse than walking outside after a long lecture, only to discover it’s pouring.  My first year on this campus, I was caught in the rain at least three times, and I would walk into my dorm like a wet puppy.  Never again, my friends.  I bought a small umbrella that I keep in my backpack at all times, and it is the best eight dollars I have ever spend.  Plus, it doesn’t take up much room, since it’s one of those handy-dandy retractable ones.

Nail clippers

Ever break a nail in class and constantly scratch yourself with it?  I have drawn my own blood from a broken nail accidentally piercing my cheek, and it’s not a fun experience.  A nail clipper does not take up much space, and it is perfect for getting rid of those pesky hangnails, broken fingernails, and even cutting strings off your shirt.  What a handy gadget.

A granola bar

I am sick of spending my life savings at Badger Market.  Anyone else feel my pain?  The food is so expensive, and a bag of trail mix is over four dollars!  What is that nonsense, actually?  I am always packing food, and I am determined never to go hungry on this campus again.  You don’t have to pack two meals in your backpack–like I do every day–but pack a granola bar or something to snack on.  Your tummy will thank you!


So long, sniffles.  You will not fall prey to the runny nose again with a fun pack of tissues!  Gone are the days where you run into the “I peed before checking the TP status” issues, because you are now prepared with tissues!  I learned this trick abroad in Tanzania, and it’s changed my life for the better.

“Excuse me, but is this horse taking my backpack and me to the nearest bathroom? Will there be TP?”

Extra phone charger

Pulling an all-nighter in the library, but you’re at 3 percent?  Or are you out and about, and your phone just dies?  I bought a generic phone charger just for this purpose!  You will be everyone’s best friend if you have a spare phone charger with you, and you will never have to worry about walking home without a charged phone.  Trust me, this is a game changer.

Note cards

Even though studying stinks, you will always be prepared to make some flash cards.  I have found myself with an extra twenty minutes between classes, and I always feel so productive when I realize I can make flash cards and study.  If your schedule is as crazy as mine is, you know this time can be effectively utilized, and note cards make my world go round.

Extra earbud cushion things (what are those called??)

This happens to me all the time: I aggressively pull out my earbuds from my backpack and my ear cushion thing has disappeared.  I have yet to find one, and it drives me absolutely insane.  Instead of having one earbud in for the rest of the day, just pull out your extras!  The manufacturers give them to you for a reason: utilize it.


A bottle opener

I have two different bottle openers on my house keys, and I am a party saver, I kid you not.  This is a great way to start the party anywhere you go, and you will avoid scuffing up your table edges as you try to open that bottle.  All I need now is something to open my wine…

Hand sanitizer

As my friend Megan says, “the world is a filthy place”, and dog-gone it, it is.  I have seen so many people go to the bathroom and not wash their hands, and it’s to the point where I’m losing faith in humanity.  I don’t want your icky germs in my body, thank you very much.  The second most amazing thing about hand sanitizer, besides killing germs?  They come in delicious scents, and I may or may not have used it as perfume on occasion.  Don’t get sick and smell nice: the two best things for a college student!

Even though these are ten things you may think “I don’t need those”, I say you’re wrong.  We have all needed these items at some point in our college careers, and you will thank your past self for packing a great survival kit.

University of Wisconsin