I tried Starbucks’ new fall frappuccinos

I became the typical white girl for the day, and I’m not complaining

Starbucks recently released their beloved Seasonal drinks this past month for 2016. Some are the old favorites, like the Pumpkin Spice, and they added a new one this year called the Chile Mocha.

Now, me being not the biggest fan of hot drinks since I’m rather picky, I decided to get all of the flavors in a frappuccino form instead. (Still the same concept, right?) So, here’s my opinion on each drink I tried and what aspect of Fall it reminds me of. (Note: I did not try the new almond milk with any of the drinks.)

Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino

Starbucks isn’t kidding when they use the word ‘pumpkin.’ This drink tasted exactly like your mom’s pumpkin pie. Right when I took a sip, I got so excited for Thanksgiving and instantly wanted it to be November already. (That’s how good it is; I wanted to skip Halloween. What?) The nostalgia of this taste made me want to get a group of friends and head straight to a pumpkin patch, get lost in a corn maze, and go on a hay ride.

Chile Mocha Frappuccino

Who knew a drink could be full of so many flavors. The Chile Mocha tastes exactly how a typical autumn candle smells, but this one was actually my least favorite of the group. There were just too many spices happening at once and my tongue got confused and was just so overwhelmed by it all. I feel like someone in their mid to late twenties would love this drink though, for it has more of a sophisticated taste.

Salted Carmel Mocha Frappuccino

Okay, I saved the best for last. It has the perfect balance of sweet, salty, and coffee flavor. It made me want to sit by a wood fire and read a good book, or go out on a brisk fall day and look at the changing of the leaves on the trees and hear them crunch underneath my feet. It’s the perfect fall drink to pick up and surprise your significant other (*hint hint* you can thank me later).

Well Starbucks, you outdid yourself again this year. But don’t take my word on these drinks! Starbucks really knows how to please the people, and with midterms going on, I say you should treat yo’ self.

University of Wisconsin