Lakeshore is the most underrated place to live at UW-Madison

Lakeshore is LIT!

As many incoming freshmen know, when you apply for housing, most students will rank Sellery, Witte, and Smith as their top three. Who wouldn’t want to live in South East? Well, for some of us, it doesn’t always workout that way. Instead, this year I found out my roommate and I received a dorm we had never heard of in Lakeshore, Kronshage, but after spending these first few weeks living in this place, I have discovered living in Lakeshore is seriously underrated.

Lakeshore has the most spacious rooms

The rooms are incredible.  All new furniture, large closet space, great floor spaces (so much space you could do yoga), the beautiful view of Lake Mendota through your window, and built in dressers with twelve drawers and six shelves. As freshmen, many students pack their whole closet not knowing what the storage in their room will be like. If you’re like me and have a ton of clothes, the built in drawers in Lakeshore are necessary

Lakeshore has the most beautiful scenery on campus 

Lakeshore is the most beautiful part of campus. Walking out of Kronshage onto the Lakeshore path, you are immediately overwhelmed with the sight of Lake Mendota, filled with white sailboats and the rowing team.

Lakeshore is NEVER boring

Lakeshore often gets the reputation of being boring, but that simply isn’t the case. Whether it is running to Picnic Point  along the path, eating burgers and corn on the terrace, or paddle boarding on the lake, there is never a dull day in Lakeshore.

Many students spend lots of time hiding in their rooms, watching Netflix or doing homework, but living in Lakeshore gives you the urge to go out and get active. Seeing all the runners, bikers and boaters outside pushes you to get out there. Plus, Madison only allows a few short months of beautiful weather, so at the beginning of the year, taking advantage of the many Lakeshore activities is a necessity.

Lakeshore gives you those much needed steps

Fitbits are the latest craze. I mean, who doesn’t have one? While living in Lakeshore, y walking 20,000 steps a day is the average. Whether it’s walking to classes, visiting your friends in the “social” dorm in Southeast, or hitting up State and Langdon Street at night, you are always walking somewhere. If you’re looking for a great way to keep off the freshman fifteen, all the walking to and from Lakeshore is the way to do it.

Lakeshore and the bus

Public transportation is a defining characteristic of Lakeshore. The Metro bus is always poppin’. No matter what time it is, you can guarantee you will see someone you know on the bus. Going to class in the morning or coming home at 2AM, you know throughout the winter, this bus will be your everything. Take it as a life lesson. After college when most people move into the big cities to look for work, public transportation will be a huge part of your life, so living in Lakeshore will help you get used to it now.

Lakeshore’s dining hall

Dejope. The newest dining hall on campus and debatably the best. Hungry for sushi, omelettes, salad, burgers, or tacos? You name it and they have it. Everyone is always chatting up a storm about Gordon’s, but Dejope really is the hidden gem. Unlike Gordon’s, it is never too crowded, and it never runs out of food.

Upon arrival, my roommate and I quickly realized living in Lakeshore is not too shabby. Lakeshore is totally underrated and these are only a few reasons why. I could go on forever. Before you know it, Lakeshore is going to be the new Southeast in town. Just wait and see.


University of Wisconsin