An honest guide to rush at UW-Madison

It’s way less glamorous than in the movies

Rush is usually thought of as the glorified time depicted in movies of girls holding hands, singing, laughing, and smiling widely to show off their perfectly whitened teeth. Unfortunately, this is not the reality of it. While rush at UW is definitely a fun experience, it can certainly be an exhausting process as well. Before jumping to conclusions about rushing or not, here is an honest guide to rush at UW.

First Rounds

You will wake up early in the morning after a very “okay” nights sleep due to a combination of nerves and excitement kicking in. Be sure to pick our your casual but cute outfit the night before, as it will just be another thing to think about in the morning. Do not overdue it with makeup or jewelry, after all you only want to be in a house you naturally feel comfortable in.

Upon arriving to your assigned location to meet your rush group, talk to the girls standing next to you in line. These girls want the same thing you do, so they are definitely feeling the same way. It’s important to remember at Wisconsin rush is not very intense and these other girls are not your competitors. You should only be concerned with presenting your true and honest self.

You will be welcomed into your first house with girls wearing matching outfits while singing songs about why their sorority is the best. No doubt, you will be overwhelmed, but that’s ok. As soon as you start a conversation with one of the sorority members, all the nerves will slowly disappear. The conversation should be natural, honest, and fun. Do not be shy, but please do not say too much (always remember the five B’s). You will talk to a few girls at every house, who will try their best to touch on interesting topics you can expand upon.

Second Rounds

When getting the list of houses you have been invited back to, it shouldn’t come as much of a shock. The UW recruitment process is all about making girls comfortable and placing them in the houses they belong in. If you really weren’t vibing with any girls in a specific sorority during first rounds and are cut, this is solely for your benefit.

During second rounds it’s extremely important to pay attention, and ask a bunch of questions. This sorority clearly has an interest in you, so you should show you care as well. Sororities also give house tours and explain their philanthropies during second rounds, so keep your ears and eyes wide open.

Preference night

After three straight days of rush and your first full week of school (wow, that’s a lot), on Friday night you will have preference rounds. In my opinion, this is where you will really see each sorority’s true colors. By this point there should be no need to make small talk. This is where it should just click for you, a certain sorority should make you feel the most comfortable and at home. Seniors will openly talk about their experiences in their sorority and make you feel like you want the same for yourself. If the decision seems too hard, think about if you had to run into your house to pick up a sweatshirt in your pajamas, no makeup, and messy hair, where would you feel most comfortable? This question made it very easy for me.

Bid Day

Bid day is the most exciting day. Opening up your envelope and seeing you have been accepted someplace is truly heart warming. Being in a new location and experiencing so much change can be a little nerve-wracking, but being wanted by a certain house definitely alleviates the nerves, no matter where you end up. Running to your house and meeting your new sisters is super exciting and fun (obviously a little awkward too, after you say hi it’s like OK what now). Take it all in though and make sure to be friendly and have fun!

Rush is truly a one of a kind experience, so enjoy every second and be yourself. Who knows maybe through this crazy process you’ll find life long friends, and a place to call home.

University of Wisconsin