In loving memory of Beau: Athlete, friend, and brother

A life taken much too soon

Beau Solomon, a University of Wisconsin-Madison sophomore, was found dead in Rome’s Tiber river after being reported missing last Thursday. Though authorities are hard at work uncovering details about his passing, friends and family know that the details of his loss will be unbearable, and that a support system and an outlet to talk about Beau are incredibly important in the grieving process.

To all who knew him, Beau was an incredible athlete, student, friend, and brother, and he will be greatly missed.

Beau had arrived on Thursday in Rome, where he was planning to study abroad at John Cabot University. Beau had been pursuing a degree in personal finance at UW-Madison, which is not too far from his hometown of Spring Green. Growing up in such a small town, many people knew Beau and what he could accomplish.

When Beau was young he suffered from a rare form of cancer, one that tested the faith and strength of a little boy. He overcame this incredible feat and life seemed to be a gift. He led his life with grace, ambition, and confidence, which could be seen in every facet of his life.

As a high school student, Beau was an accomplished football quarterback, where family and friends will always hold the number 5 close with them. He was passionate about the sport, even spending his time on the quarterback staff at camps. Beau also made an impact in Badger Boys State, where he was a camp counselor.

Within such a small community, it is hard not to know a soul like Beau’s. On Monday, members of the community came together and held a candlelit vigil in memory of Beau on the track of his alma mater, River Valley High School. There, people were encouraged to share their stories and memories of Beau, while supporting one another through such a difficult and unfair time.

Many friends and family shared their love through social media with beautiful quotes and pictures:

“Your ability to make myself and others laugh was truly something special and will be missed by so many. My heart goes out to the Solomon family, fly high Beau. You will never be forgotten.” –Carley Richards

“I am completely heartbroken. Such a kind, beautiful soul that will forever touch my heart. Rest in peace Beau.” -Jordan Wahl

“He was so good at understanding others views when he personally totally disagreed, that made him very unique. Just that he did things and made decisions in life that weren’t the norm. He was a renaissance man for a reason. He was the star quarterback, but he joined student council and forensics not because he was following anyone or do it cause it would look good on an application, it’s because he genuinely liked different aspects of life. He made more friends and connections because of it. It made him a more liked and admired leader because of it. It was truly unique because he was active in so many different things that weren’t in the same realm. That’s why I personally liked cause he was like me and that’s why he needs to be remembered and why change in the future will come.” – Phil Pape

“We had a conversation about how his life goal was to make everyone better and to make the world a more positive place, and how he accomplished that in the short time he was here. And he touched so many lives, and now with this tragedy his positive mark is even more prevalent and more permanent. So he achieved his life goal, no doubt.” – Kayla Hackl

“The best heart and kindest soul. A loyal brother, wise beyond his years. A boy who will forever hold a piece of my heart. Rest peacefully, Beau.” – Haylee

“He was one of the most genuine people you could ever meet. His love for life, people, and sports definitely made me who I am today and I am ever thankful for that. I will miss and think of him for the rest of my life.” – Tanner Gruber

In loving memory of Beau, a wonderful person who positively impacted the lives of many.

University of Wisconsin