The best things to do once finals are over

Will they ever be over?

As I sit between a half eaten sandwich and scattered piles of paper, I can’t help but daydream about what I will do once finals are over. Will they ever be over? For what seems like forever, I have not gone to bed before 3am and find myself to be ghostly pale due to lack of sunlight.

Here are some of the best things to do once exams have ended:


No longer do you have to look like the walking dead running on four ours of sleep! Lay off the coffee after exams and be sure to hit the hay before the sun begins to rise.

Eat well

While some may overeat under stress and others may eat nothing at all, eating a healthy meal is crucial in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Once finals have ended, be sure to follow a normal and nourishing eating pattern.

Take up a new hobby

Instead of cramming and stressing, why not do what YOU want to do. Ever want to take up canoeing or photography? Well then go for it! Now is your time to try something new and explore.


While finals may have appeared to be a wonderful excuse not to workout, now there are no more excuses! Not only will you be mentally rejuvenated but also you will physically feel fantastic.

Go outside

Sumer is approaching an arguably the most wonderful time of year in Madison! Ditch the books and tan, kayak, or go for a bike ride.


You can finally make your grand debut at a party after weeks stuck in the stacks. You’ll be back and better than ever—have fun!

Relax and reflect

There’s nothing wrong with simply staying in with friends to catch up and watch a movie. In fact, those nights when nothing is going on tend to be the best of them all. Think about what you have learned over the semester and get ready for school to start in another 100 days!

University of Wisconsin