Hillary Clinton campaigns ‘for the future’ at the University of Wisconsin

‘It’s time to get back to what makes America already great’


Hundreds made their way to the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Monday afternoon to witness Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


Sen. Hillary Clinton urged Madison residents to recognize the importance of the Supreme Court when she spoke at Gordon’s Commons. Clinton said the court shapes almost every aspect of life, and she does not agree with some of the court’s recent decisions.

“For a long time now the ideological bent of the court has led our country in the wrong direction, especially when it comes to stacking the deck in favor of the already wealthy and powerful,” Clinton said.

The believes the court should be a place where the least powerful voices in society are heard and protected.

According to Senator, the fight over whether or not Obama should be able to appoint the next justice is ludicrous. Clinton believes Republicans are obstructing justice and disregarding the law.

“I’m adding my voice to the chorus and asking Sen. Grassley to step up and do his job,” Clinton said. “He should hold a hearing and he should schedule it as soon as the Senate returns from recess.”

According to Clinton, the next president could potentially elect multiple justices, because two justices will be over the age of 80 on election day.

She urged the audience to consider the importance of appointing Supreme Court justices, because whoever is elected will determine the future of the court for decades.

“If you care about the fairness of elections, the future of unions, racial disparities in universities, the rights of women or the future of our planet you should care about who wins the presidency and who appoints the next supreme court justices,” Clinton said.

Clinton asked the audience to imagine what kind of justice Donald Trump would appoint. She warned them of the extremist right-wing views, and said even though many Republicans do not support Trump their extremist views are to blame for his candidacy.

According to Clinton bipartisanship is essential to successfully combat the challenges America faces.

“This election is about whether we as a country are able to come together and to meet the challenges we face and break down the barriers holding people back or whether we will be paralyzed by deadlock and divided from each other by bitter partisanship,” Clinton said.

Her goal is protecting the rights of all citizens, and she believes this election has made it clear that the Supreme Court is essential in this protection.

Clinton put her campaign on the backburner and urged the audience, whether they were voting for her or not, to prioritize the Supreme Court when they were considering the candidates. She said she will continue to try and convince everyone she is the right presidential candidate.

“It’s time to get back to what makes America already great, respect for the rule of law, statesmanship over showmanship and people working together across party lines for the good of the nation,” Clinton said. “Let’s go out and win for the future.”

University of Wisconsin