Why the hell does it smell so bad on the trails behind Yates?

A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

It smells like farts on the trails behind Yates when it rains and I do not know why. It is slowly but surely driving me mad.

Look, we’re all William & Mary students here, we can admit it: our swamp smells pretty bad in general. Sure, the flowers in spring do somewhat cover up the stank, but – much like Axe body spray in a high school locker room – it is hardly sufficient, and almost makes the places out of range of the blooming flowers smell worse.

Sometimes the smell comes from the brewery, other times from the paper mill. Neither smell is pleasant, but at least both are explicable. What remains an enigma, however, is the smell of the trails behind Yates, damnit.

Why? Why does it smell so foul? I’d hazard a guess at the suspicious-looking sewer grate on the path to DuPont.

That would seem plausible (especially because the smell is strongest there), except that this smell only arises when it rains. That doesn’t make any sense, and it’s frustrating. And gross.

I think I speak for all of us when I say that this is clearly the most pressing issue facing this campus and that we demand an answer or we will openly revolt. Your move, Reveley.

William & Mary: College of William and Mary